

Dear friend

The terrible crimes of 11M (3/11) have sunk the Spanish and Madrid's society into a deep suffering. The Atomic Eye, as main space for artistic experimentation in Madrid, wants to put a light in this dark lanscape to help us get back the balance and the calm before starting a necessary, and perhaps painful, analysis of the situation we are living.

Therefore we have decided to postpone the exhibition called "The end of the fair times", that precisely proposes a reflection on the political violence in the first anniversary of Irak's invasion. Instead of that, we invite artists and writers around the world to create "Hope Recipes", useful for Madrid's people to overcome the tension and distress of the last days.

The "Hope Recipes" must be a series of instructions explaining people how to do, in their own home, an object, atmosphere, ritual or happening able to induce a great sensation of hope. So to speak, how to do a hopeful work of art.

The "Hope Recipes" must be described in only a sheet of paper, A4 or letter size, by means of written explanations, drawings or photographs, and can have a practical or metaphorical character. They must be sent by e-mail to the Atomic Eye before 24th March.

On 26th March we will show the "Hope Recipes" and print a book with them. The book will be free, if we have a sponsor, or at cost-price.

If you manage a cultural center, you are an editor or a curator, please forward this call to artists or writers that you consider might be interested. Thank you for your co-operation.